Monday, December 28, 2009

December 2009

It's been quite a while since I lasted posted anything, been busy entertaining my mum and bro for the past 2 weeks =) I suppose this will be the last post of 2009 and so I will wrap it up with nice photos I've been taking throughout the month. I did say I was busy, so no sketches =P

Trip to Philip Island


Cherry picking at Mornington Peninsula

A day trip to Lorne on Christmas

It's been a great month and I enjoyed every bit of it! Thanks to my sis and Jiman koko for organising the trips and driving us around. To enjoy it with mum and Ed was great. See Pa, you have to come next time! Don't worry Jan, we'll take you around when you come down to Melbourne too! Hopefully that time I will be the one driving =D

Until next time, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Graduation procedures

Woke up early this morning to collect the graduation tickets with my housemate. I've got an extra ticket so my mum, Ed, sis and Jiman koko can definitely come next week =3 I am so excited! Also, mum and Ed will be leaving for KL later tonight. Have a safe flight and can't wait to see you both this weekend!!

Looking forward to this moment!

Got a haircut yesterday... Finally! Many thanks to aunty and uncle for belanja-ing me lunch =)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

WIP: Peacock

For once, my drawing looks better on camera than in real life. This drawing is a request made by my aunt about a year ago and I only got the inspiration to do it recently. Found some really nice reference photos from Deviantart and decided to take a different approach to the drawing by using a black card as the base. The colours stand out so much more than usual and I hope it will give a good result in the end. I'm also using silver and gold pencils for highlighting the feathers. Too bad I couldn't find metallic blue pencils! The drawing would look so awesome. I have about a week to finish this and it's gonna be one hell of a week!

Work in progress!!

Friday, December 4, 2009


One of the coolest, most addictive TV series I have watched so far. And I thought CSI was good... I don't know why I found this series so appealing. I love that the characters are of different ages, have very different and unique personalities but still get along well (or try to) with each other. Love the Gibbs back head slap =D Just last week I watched the episodes where Kate was killed. It was supposed to be tear jerking, but they managed to add hints of humour without destroying the atmosphere.

The one and only Leroy Jethro Gibbs, played by Mark Harmon!

The rest of his team and his KafPow-drinking, goth forensic scientist

I haven't found nice reference pictures for Ducky, Jimmy, Kate and the directors yet so I guess there'll be another post dedicated for them.

P.S. Congratulations to everyone who did well for their exams and those who will be graduating end of this year! A special congrats to my best friend who did her very best and will be graduating soon in Malaysia. Proud of you girl! ;)