Introducing Taja and Fawn! A pair of sisters adopted from RSPCA
Fawn and Taja lounging around after a meal of hay
Fawn begging for food xD Too cute!!!
Grooming each other
Checking out the camera lens
Konked out Fawn
Taja having a nap
I finally got myself some buns. My family and I used to look after 2
rabbits and I've wanted to get them since I'm no longer renting. I
to adopt buns from RSPCA instead of buying them from a pet shop. Sure
the younger rabbits are cuter and would have received training from only
myself and Hann, but the rabbits at RSPCA could use some help. Plus the
RSPCA de-sex, vaccinate, and micro-chip the rabbits. They are toilet
trained too :P I have built them an extension for an outdoor hutch but
I've kept them in the bathroom for the time being due to the wet and
cold winter weather. We are also planning to build an indoor enclosure
for the =) Taja and Fawn are ADORABLE! They are starting to warm up to us now but Taja is very weary of being picked up. Fawn is less picky about that issue but both of them love a good patting!
On another note, more beautiful mosses and more terrariums. Hann and I went up to a trail near Warburton dam and collected some mosses and lichen.
I love the light green fluffy moss
Managed to find more dicracum moss
This next one is my favourite terrarium so far. I've had trouble keeping the yellowish moss alive so I hope I have better luck this time by keeping it well ventilated and not too wet.
With a healthy dose of haircap moss
A closer look
Side view
Another view
I also gave a lichen terrarium a go! I've read that they don't need as much water and might be less likely to go mouldy since I can water it less. The pixie cup lichen is pretty cool!
A flat bottomed flask terrarium
A detailed look
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock
Prince Noctis from Final Fantasy versus XIII XV. It's exciting news that they've started working on it again. Especially the new trailer showing a good relationship between him and his dad (Finally! A good father and son relationship in the series!)
Until next time